Tag: Traverse City

Sneaking About in the Snow

Safety Alert: Strange Activity During Snowstorm

During the snowstorm January 13th 2024 an anonymous resident of StoneRidge reported seeing someone walking around their house and up the walkway during the heavy snow. We thought the story should be shared.

"By Anonymous"
I wanted to inform you that I believe my house was targeted to be broken into the night of Sat. Jan. 13. 
That night by pure chance around 9pm I saw a man (white male, maybe 30ish age…wearing a knit cap…happened too fast to get other detail) walking up my sidewalk in pretty heavy snowfall conditions. I turned on the lights and he ran away…this was followed by seeing 2 men getting into what appeared to be a get away car, then about 10 minutes later a car (hatchback of some kind) arrived in front shining high beam lights toward my house & honking horn, they returned and did it again then sped away. No issues since then. I submitted a police report…I got a photo of the man's boot print in the snow from when he was running away and sent that to the Deputy as well. (attached) I’ve been tightening up security at my house. 
As a related side note, I had not cleared snow off my driveway on that Saturday from the snowstorm…was just planning do it all on Sunday…I believe he/they thought no one was home. 
In speaking with neighbors I’ve learned of other bizarre scary things like people being caught looking through their windows etc.

I hope all Stone Ridge neighbors stay alert and stay safe.

2016 Halloween in StoneRidge

Halloween in StoneRidge



If you have not joined Nextdoor here is a link for the StoneRidge Subdivision.
After signing up for this site you can list your home on the Trick or Treat list.

General Halloween Information 2016


Halloween will be celebrated on Monday, October 31, 2016, within the city limits of Traverse City.  The Trick-or-Treating hours will be from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

We ask the participating city residents to please turn porch lights on promptly at 5:00 p.m. and turn them off promptly at 8:00 p.m. 

The National Confectioners Association and the Chocolate Manufacturers Association have established the following safety tips to help make this Halloween a safe and enjoyable holiday for our children.



  • Use make-up or face paint instead of masks, but if masks are used, make sure they fit properly and have holes large enough for mouth and eyes.
  • Choose costumes that are marked flame retardant.
  • Wear light-colored clothing at night, short enough to prevent tripping.   Add reflective tape or reflectors to dark colored costumes. 
  • Make props such as daggers or swords out of cardboard, rather than metal or wood. 


  • Give and accept wrapped or packaged candy only.
  • Have children bring treats home for adult inspection before they are eaten. 
  •  Adults should accompany small and elementary school age children when they are trick-or-treating and send older children in groups.
  • Go out in daylight and carry a flashlight in case of delay.
  • Have children stay within the neighborhood; only visit homes you know.
  • Watch for traffic.
  • Keep costumed children away from pets.  The pet may not recognize the children and become frightened.

Have a safe and scary Halloween!!!