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Author: ttpadmin
garage sale
2023 Garage Sale
by ttpadmin •
Meeting Minutes
2019 Annual Meeting StoneRidge
by ttpadmin •
Meeting Minutes
2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
by ttpadmin •
garage sale
2018 Garage Sale
by ttpadmin •
Tom Pointe Leaves Stoneridge
by ttpadmin •
Tom and Eva Pointe lived in our community for 17 years and served as President of the association for the past several years. Tom recently resigned as President because they have moved! We are sorry to loose our president and good neighbor as they have moved just down the street to the Creekside Subdivision. If you see Tom and Eva wish them well. They still enjoy StoneRidge and walk the neighborhood often!
Meeting Minutes
2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
by ttpadmin •
Click here to download or Print the minutes as a PDF
Present: Frank & Hilda Ksystiniak, Nancy Bathke, Ron Reamer, Tim Webb, Lisa Burchfield, Tom Pointe, Walter & Joann Wilczynski, Charles Brammer, Duane Groesser, Joan Studzinski, Bob Haines.
Tom Pointe called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Tom took roll call and everyone introduced themselves. It was noted that only 11 unit owners were present, thus not constituting a meeting quorum which is 51% (78 owners) of 155 owners. Discussion took place concerning the need to amend the Association documents for the purpose of changing the annual meeting date, and the required percentage of owners needed at the annual meeting to establish quorum. Tim to email draft amended language to the Board for review/comment. A vote of the members to amend the language in the documents will be presented to the owners with the 2016 dues invoice.
There was no motion to approve/amend the 2014 Annual Meeting minutes due to the fact that there wasn’t a meeting quorum established at the meeting.
President’s Report – Tom recapped what projects were completed since the last annual meeting. Repairs to the main entrance signage were completed. Siler’s Landscape & Irrigation performed very well on the ground services needs. Mr. Mark Hoffmeister (Tech Pros) continues to service and update the Stoneridge website. Mark stated that he will add features to the website to allow the members to vote on issues, add a subscribe button to make it easier for members to sign up to receive Association news. Mark will also take a look at the features included on the website, and may implement some of their features on the existing website for the Association. Mark reminded everyone that subdivision information will be sent by both e-mail and will also be available on the website. Mark also reminded everyone that the website address is, and if any members have any questions about the website, they should go to the “contact us” section to request help.
Tim Webb covered the 2015 budget figures compared to the actual expenses as of December 6, 2015, and presented the proposed 2016 operating budget figures. Tim Webb stated that 2016 dues will remain the same - $100 based on the projected expenses in 2016. Tom Pointe asked for approval of the proposed 2016 Operating Budget. Joan Studzinski motioned to approve the budget as presented, seconded by Walter Wilczynski, all in favor, motion passed.
2016 Board of Directors – Heidi Clark-Ladd, Nancy Bathke, Richard Burgett, Rob Haines, Tom Pointe, Ron Reamer, and Joan Wilczynski were included on the voting ballot to volunteer another 1 year term. No one was nominated from the floor. Walter Wilczynski motioned to approve the slate by acclimation, seconded by Ron Reamer, all in favor, motion passed. Tom Pointe asked if there were any additional items for discussion. No issues were presented. Ron Reamer motioned to adjourn the meeting, meeting adjourned at 2:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim G. Webb, Property Manager
Click here to download or Print the minutes as a PDF
Coyotes spotted in StoneRidge – Dog bitten.
by ttpadmin •
Coyotes are on the prowl in and around TC including the StoneRidge subdivision. Keep a close eye on your pets as there have been several sightings and one dog was bitten by a coyote in the subdivision, the dog was treated and survived the encounter.
Here is a link to a sighting and trapping reported on by 9 & 10 news by Fair street in June of this year.
Girl’s bike found!
by ttpadmin •
A girls bike was found in the neighboring subdivision. Please call if you are missing a bike or know someone who is.
Meeting Minutes
2014 Annual Meeting Minutes
by ttpadmin •
To download or print click here for a PDF
Hilda Ksystiniak
Frank Krystiniak
Liz Williams
Heidi and Dan Ladd
Jim Neibauer
Ron Reamer
Stanley Waggoner
Lisa Burchfield
Walter Wilczynski
Joann Wilczynski
Richard Burgett
Duane Groesser
Joan Studzinski
Nancy Bathke
Carmen Svalstad
Bob Haines
Chris Hurley
Tim Webb
Ari and Neneko Cornman
Richard Burgett called the meeting to order. He informed the group that he would be conducting the meeting because Tom Pointe is out of town. Richard asked if everyone had reviewed the 2013 Meeting Minutes. He asked for acceptance of the minutes – Dan Ladd motioned to approve the minutes. Ron Reamer seconded the motion. All agreed.
Mr. Mark Hoffmeister (Tech Pros) was introduced to the group. He is doing updates to the Stoneridge website. Mark stated that the website will make officer transition easier as the subdivision board changes year-to-year. Subdivision information will be sent by both e-mail and will also be available on the website. Mark said the website – is in place and if any members have questions about the website, they should go to the “contact us” section to request help.
Tim Webb covered the 2014/Proposed 2015 Operating Budget. The 2014 Actuals are $300 short because of delinquent dues. Joan Studzinski asked about our delinquent dues procedures. Tim stated that they are: demand letter, lien on property and lawsuit with garnishment of wages.
Joan Wilczynski asked Tim about whether or not calls are ever made to the delinquent members to gather information on why the dues are late. Tim said no – in the past, they get monthly statements. Joan Studzinski suggested certified mail. Tim Webb said he will personally call delinquent members rather than send certified mail.
Tim Webb stated that 2015 dues will remain the same - $100. A question was brought up regarding whether there are ever excess dollars in the budget. Ron Reamer and Tim Webb explained that excess money is generally eaten up by front entrance maintenance. Some years nothing is left, but when there is something left it goes to a landscape project. Joan Studzinski stated that resealing of the front entrance sign will be a future expense.
Tim Webb mentioned that $100 is given to the Church of Christ for meeting space. Next year, he offered his conference room for the association meeting and there will be no charge.
Dan Ladd asked about the irrigation maintenance expense vs. maintenance. Tim explained the difference and stated that he had redefined some of the headings for next year. This will also provide for more specific tracking of expenses. Tim asked for any other questions on the budget.
Joan Studzinski asked about the cost of irrigation maintenance. Tim explained most of the cost is just due to wear – irrigation systems are expensive to maintain. Richard Burgett asked for approval of the 2014 Operating Budget. Carmen Svalstad motioned to accept. Dan Ladd seconded the motion. All agreed. Richard Burgett asked for acceptance of the 2015 Proposed Budget. Duane Groesser motioned to accept. Frank Krystiniak seconded the motion. All agreed.
2015 Board of Directors –
Joan Studzinski asked to step down. Heidi Clark-Ladd volunteered to be a new Board member. She will assume Joan’s duties. Liz Williams motioned to accept the 2015 Board of Directors. Duane Groesser seconded the motion. All agreed.
Hilda Ksystiniak requested an updated list of members – Mark said that this list is available on the website.
2015 Garage Sale – we will continue to have one subdivision garage sale per year. This is the preferred way to conduct the garage sale, but residents may have their own independent garage sales. Lisa Burchfield pointed out that we need to continue to stress that only one garage sale per year is beneficial as far as traffic in the subdivision.
Ari Cornman introduced himself – he is new to the subdivision. He requested a copy of the subdivision by-laws. Mark referred him to the website.
Carmen Svalstad mentioned that he recently had Brown Lumber build him a new mailbox. They are well made and the cost is $70 for a single box and $110 for a double box. Mailbox maintenance is each owner’s responsibility.
Carmen also mentioned the condition of the roads in the subdivision. We may need to address the County on this issue.
Richard Burgett asked if there were any additional items for discussion. No issues were presented. Liz Williams motioned to adjourn. Dan Ladd seconded the motion. All agreed.
Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Bathke