Click here to view or print the 2017 meeting minutes as a PDF
In attendance:
- Nancy Bathke Rob Haines
Lisa Burchfield Joan Studzinski
Richard Burgett Joann Wilczynski
Duane Groesser Tim Webb
Richard Burgett called the meeting to order at 1:05 P.M. Richard stated that due to low attendance,
we would not have enough present to constitute a quorum (51% of the homeowners).
Richard reviewed the 2016 meeting minutes. Joan Studzinski commented that she has seen the Sheriff’s cars patrolling the sub – all present expressed appreciation for their involvement. Nancy Bathke motioned to accept the 2016 meeting minutes, seconded by Joan Studzinski, all in favor, motion passed.
Richard Burgett asked for review of the proposed 2018 budget. Richard pointed out that wood chips would again be done next year and money has been allocated. Joan Studzinski asked about sign maintenance at the front entrance. Tim Webb said some repair was done in 2015. Joan suggested that we may need to check on further maintenance on the side of the stone. Tim Webb will look into this and Richard will follow up. Richard asked for any further questions or comments. None were presented. Duane Groesser motioned to accept the 2018 budget, seconded by Lisa Burchfield, all in favor, motion passed.
Tim Webb reported the Balance Sheet as of today is $4495.50. Richard Burgett pointed out we are in good shape. Money is being spent wisely. 2018 Association dues will continue to be $100.
Regarding future property maintenance, Tim Webb said there are two items needing attention.
The split rail fencing on Stoneridge Court is damaged and needs repair. Tim has arranged for Apple
Fence to repair it. The second item is road patching and repair. Tim Webb has had conversations with Grand Traverse County Road Commission and Chuck Korn at Garfield Township. Repaving and road repairs in Garfield Township subdivisions are paid for as follows:
25% - Grand Traverse County Road Commission
25% - Garfield Township
50% - Subdivision homeowners
Our entrance is the worst part of Stoneridge, but there are other areas of concern. Tim will secure bids for the entrance and road repairs. More information will follow – there will be a special homeowners’ assessment to cover our share of the cost.
Richard Burgett and Tim Webb jointly addressed the possibility of changing the annual meeting date in order to increase attendance. According to current by-laws, the association annual meeting is to be held on the first Sunday of November. Any changes to the by-laws require that 51% of the homeowners approve the change. Due to the consistently low attendance at the annual meetings, it is not possible to vote on any proposed by-law changes at annual meetings. Richard and Tim, as well as all present, believe that changing the day of the week and month of the year may improve attendance and encourage neighborhood involvement.
Tim Webb will draft a proposal to solicit homeowner signatures for agreement to change the by-laws. Once finalized, we will work to secure 51% acceptance to change the meeting date. It is important to encourage better participation. At today’s meeting, only three homeowners were represented in addition to the five officers/board members. We also need to ask - where is the best place to hold the meeting? The idea of doing it on-site in the sub was presented – make it an annual meeting/block party.
Joan Studzinski asked about front entrance holiday decorations. Last year, Brittany Merenda did a great job. Tim Webb will contact her about being able to do it again this year.
Richard Burgett asked for volunteers and nominations for the 2018 Board members.
The following agreed to serve:
- Richard Burgett President
Edward Walsh* Treasurer
Ron Reamer Director
Rob Haines Director
Joann Wilczynski Director
Duane Groesser Director
Nancy Bathke Secretary
*Richard Burgett will contact Edward Walsh to verify that he will again serve as Treasurer.
All present in favor of accepting the 2018 Board Members/Directors.
Richard Burgett asked for open discussion. Joann Wilczynski commented on how much better the sub looks with several new mailboxes. Everyone agreed. JoAnn also stated that they needed help with a minor door repair and they were very happy with the contact they found through Next Door. Everyone expressed positive feedback on Next Door. Joann questioned why people are leaving trash totes outside of their garages rather than putting them in the garage. This is a by-law violation.
Duane Groesser mentioned that the pines are the front entrance will need trimming next spring.
A reminder that the annual community garage sale is scheduled to be held the Friday & Saturday after Mother’s Day weekend. The garage sale dates will be Friday, May 18th & Saturday, May 19th.
There were no further open discussion items. Nancy Bathke motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Duane Groesser, meeting adjourned at 2 p.m.
Nancy Bathke